Green Action Week Communications
Green Action Week is a global sustainable consumption campaign (www.greenactionweek) in which about 40 environmental and social justice organisations around the world hold a series of activities in October each year that illustrate the concept of Sharing Community. This year, for the first time, Green Action Week is extending its reach and is being opened up to public participation.
Mycelium holds the framework agreement for Green Action Week comprising conceptualisation of campaign planning tools, communications coaching (organisational storytelling, photography, social media and campaign communications) and support and communications for the actual campaign. We used a conceptual brainstorming approach to better understand the topic of Sharing Community and what it means to different stakeholders. We developed a planning pack for participants to plan their campaign – which can be found here. Mycelium has also completed a website redesign for this year’s campaign, adding a press section (in progress) with newly developed basic guidelines for media and participants to use when sharing and widening the reach of the campaign.
We are continuing to work on illustrating the systemic challenges and lock-ins to unsustainable consumption with our Mycelium network – working on collaborative platforms like Miro. We also piloted SSNC’s first sustainable consumption envisioning workshop in Africa – which works with participants to support them in visioning futures in which we consume sustainably. We will now design and facilitate online workshops to train Green Action Week participants in undertaking these envisioning future workshops with their own communities. The results will be graphically harvested and displayed in a digital gallery in 2024. This project falls into a larger research project by Mistra in collecting and documenting different understandings and visions of sustainable consumption around the world.
In association with Green Action Week in 2022, we produced the Anthology for Sustainable Consumption which presents a collection of viewpoints, experiences and case studies that illustrate the need for a transition to sustainable consumption and production. This compilation emphasises the urgency with which we need to act to bring a better world for all into being. For this layout, we designed bespoke graphics that speak to the themes identified, with the cover illustrated in a similar style.
Client: Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC)